Taylor Swift: A Global Economic Phenomenon Shaping the Music Industry Landscape

In the ever-evolving landscape of the global music industry, certain artists transcend their roles as mere performers to become economic powerhouses. Taylor Swift stands as an exemplary figure in this regard, not only for her musical prowess but also for her profound impact on the global economy.

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The Risk of Electronic Waste

We are surrounded by many electronic devices in every single moment of our lifes: computers, smartphones, tvs, dryers, microwaves, radios, heaters… We live in a world that drives capitalism, in which buying new things is rewarded abd brings ans joy and even a certain status. But we don’t realize about the negative part of all this: the electronic waste, also called e-waste. Let’s understand the risks of the increasing number of e-waste in the world, and how we can tackle this situacion.

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Why are companies reconsidering their outsourcing strategy?

Companies have been outsourcing part of ther non-critic activities for decades to gain a competitive edge while increasing the focus on the core business or to reduce costs and generate more revenue. But nowadays, in our globalized world, there are also compelling reasons not to do it. Keep reading and take a why some companies are starting to reconsider a outsourcing strategy.

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Danger of Grey: The Negative Effects of Gathering Too Much Information

Collecting data is a trend among companies nowadays because of the promises of great benefits that most of the literature on big data claims to arise. But even if it is a hot topic nowadays, its definition is still considered confusing for many business people. And little is said about the dangerous path that companies need to cross in order to achieve that promising situation. In fact, most of the enterprises fail to implement a successful data management project.

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Teleconferencing and Telecommuting Nowadays in contrast to 35 years ago

Teleconferencing and when telecommuting implies the live exchange and mass articulation of information among several persons. The telecommunications systems that allow us to teleconference have existed from more than 35 years. But it was not until recently, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, that employers and employees have opted use them. Is it important to pay attention to this strategy? Does it add any value to companies? Has it changed the way we teleconference compared to 35 years ago?

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The False Promise of Technology as the Saviour of the World

The concept of sustainability is confusing and not fully understood due to the large variety of meanings that it takes and the lack of agreement among the scientific community (Schäfer, 2013). However, a common vision on this concept is firstly needed to be shared in order to achieve a common view on how can this problem be approached (White, 2009).

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How Nokia Became a Mobile World Leader and Helped Transform Finland’s Economy

Up to the 1990s, Finland’s economy was based on natural resources. After that, Finland’s GDP started to grew dramatically, with annual growth rates of 10%. The country became the world leader in telecommunication technology with Nokia as its flagship company. How did the country achieve such goal?

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