Up to the 1990s, Finland’s economy was based on natural resources. After that, Finland’s GDP started to grew dramatically, with annual growth rates of 10%. The country became the world leader in telecommunication technology with Nokia as its flagship company. How did the country achieve such goal?
Continue reading “How Nokia Became a Mobile World Leader and Helped Transform Finland’s Economy”Drivers for Android’s Growth
What is the story behing Android? How Google made Android successful? And how did it become so popular in such a short period of time? This post aims to think about the drivers that made Android the popular mobile operating system we all know.
Continue reading “Drivers for Android’s Growth”Business Ecosystems as a Competitive Advantage for Companies
In a globalized world where big companies rely on the IT outsourcing and the cloud computing to be more competitive, is there a way to achieve a competitive advantage? Yes, there is! And the answer relies on the concept of business ecosystem.
Continue reading “Business Ecosystems as a Competitive Advantage for Companies”Review of Home Alone Franchise
The Home Alone franchise is a holiday favorite. And it has been considered a Christmas classic since the moment Macaulay Culkin slapped those childishly cheeks and yelled at the top of his lungs all the way back in 1990. But, did you know that there have been aired 5 Home Alone movies up to date?
Continue reading “Review of Home Alone Franchise”PS5 Wins Xbox Series X|S in Sales on Launch Day
Both Sony and Microsoft have already launched their new generation console. And now that we start to get some data about their success in the different markets, we can foresee which one will be the winner.
Continue reading “PS5 Wins Xbox Series X|S in Sales on Launch Day”An Insight on Facebook’s Ecosystem
The Facebook ecosystem has evolved deeply since the acquisition of Instagram and WhatsApp. But before that, Facebook had to raise its own ecosystem. First, the company that was founded around the idea of watching people’s profiles, commenting and creating structured content fought to become the most popular social network on Earth. And after that, Facebook successfully tried to gain revenue from its business and started to build its own ecosystem, its own empire. Let’s look at how did they approached this goal.
Continue reading “An Insight on Facebook’s Ecosystem”Five Relaxing Apps to Help You Beat Stress
Taking care of yourself on a physical and psychological level is essential, especially in these times of quarantine. But we live in a routine that make us forget about this and prioritize bad habits. However, thanks to Internet and new technologies, entering the world of relaxation techniques is very easy.
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